And why does sustainable manufacturing matter?
Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes. Sustainable manufacturing (also known as eco-friendly manufacturing or green manufacturing) minimizes negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Sustainable manufacturing has the added benefits of protecting employees, communities, consumers, and the environment (
Sustainability is the future of manufacturing

The renewed emphasis on cleaner, better manufacturing practices is a future-forward approach to American manufacturing. Sustainable manufacturing isn't merely a buzz phrase among environmentalists — it's the key to a healthy American economy. It will soon become an essential component to doing business across all industries, from new product development to aerospace design to automotive manufacturing.
Sustainability and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes are going mainstream. Heeding the call of consumer — and global — demand, General Motors recently announced its plans to be carbon neutral by 2040. In an effort to combat climate change and in response to the raging wildfires that ravaged the state, California Gov. Gavin Newsom set the goal of 100% zero-emission energy sources for the state's electricity by 2045. He also pledged to ban the sales of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. And Microsoft has committed to becoming carbon negative by 2030.
“Sustainable manufacturing will change how engineers think and work by creating a process that is lean, efficient, and environmentally conscientious.”
— American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The future is now. And the good news?
Sustainable manufacturing makes great business sense.
The EPA lines up a strong business case for companies to hop on the green manufacturing machine:
- Increase operational efficiency by reducing costs and waste.
- Respond to or reach new customers and increase competitive advantage.
- Protect and strengthen brand and reputation and build public trust.
- Build long-term business viability and success.
- Respond to regulatory constraints and opportunities.
We’ll add a few of our own to the list, too:
- Lower energy costs.
- Access to government incentives.
- Qualify for the R&D tax credit.
- Improve brand and strengthen image as a global steward.
- Encourage innovation and new product development.
Did you know that FluidForming is a sustainable manufacturing process? Find out more! Just give us at 800-497-3545 or email us at
FluidForming Americas, Inc. is a member of the Precision Metal Forming Association and is AS9100 Rev D, ISO 9001:2015 certified.